Glossary For Types of work permits in Singapore

Glossary For Types of work permits for HR Managers hiring in Singapore October 26th, 2017

A. Employment Pass

Foreign professionals with a job offer in Singapore who meet the eligibility criteria:

1. Have a job offer in Singapore;
2. Work in a managerial, executive or specialised job;
3. Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 3,600 (USD 2,650) (more experienced candidates need higher salaries); and
4. Have acceptable qualifications, usually a good university degree, professional qualifications or specialist skills.

B. S Pass

Mid-skilled technical staff who meet the eligibility criteria:

1. Fixed monthlysalary of at least SGD 2,200 (USD 1,600). The salaryshould reflect work experience. Older, more experienced applicants need higher salaries to qualify;
2. A degree or diploma. We may consider technical certificates, such as courses for qualified technicians or specialists. The certification should include at least one (1) year of full-time study; and
3. Years of relevant work experience.

C. Dependant’s Pass

Legally married spouse or unmarried children under 21 years of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.

D. Permanent Resident

A foreigner as listed below may be eligible to apply for Permanent Resident:

1. Spouse of a Singapore citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident;
2. Child of a Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident who is unmarried and aged under 21;
3. Aged parent of a Singapore citizen;
4. Holder of an Employment Pass or S Pass; and 5. Foreign investor in Singapore.

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E. Entry Pass

Eligible foreign entrepreneurs who want to start and operate a new business in Singapore:

1. Have started, or intend to start, a private limited company registered with ACRA:
i. If registered, the company must be less than six (6) months old on the date you apply; and
ii. If not registered, you can do so after you know the outcome of your application. 2. Meet any of the minimum eligibility criteria for application as
an entrepreneur, innovator or investor.

F. Personalised Employment Pass

High-earning Employment Pass holders or overseas foreign professionals who meet the eligibility criteria:

1. An overseas foreign professional and your last drawn fixed monthly salary overseas was at least SGD 18,000 (USD 13,250). Your last drawn salaryshould have been within 6 months before you apply; and
2. An Employment Pass holder earning a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 12,000 (USD 8,800).

G. Letter of Consent

Eligible LTVP/LTVP+ holders and Dependant’s Pass holders who want to work in Singapore.

H. Long Term Visit Pass

Common-law spouse, step-child or handicapped child of an eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.

Note that the information on this website is for general knowledge and should not be considered as professional opinion. Each client is different and will require specific advices.

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